Tuesday, March 4, 2008


First, I couldn't watch the Technorati Tutorial, because this computer doesn't have QuickTime and wouldn't download it. I read the article about it and was satisfactorily informed, however. Then I checked out the percolating section of Technorati; it's neat, but kind of like looking at the front page of People magazine, which is cool if you like that sort of thing. Then I looked at the popular section and checked out Boing Boing, the world's most popular blog. I liked it, and added it to my bloglines, but was kind of surprised that it is so popular for what it is. It is primarily short posts of "cultural curiosities and interesting technologies," and I guess I would have expected the most popular blog to be, well, celebrity gossip or politics. It seems, however, that blogs with worldwide popularity are mostly concerned with technology. How refreshing.
I did the search of "Learning 2.0" in Blog Posts, Tags, and the Blog Directory. The results were pretty much the same for each and not very interesting.

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