Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Hello. I just learned about Del.icio.us, which I hadn't heard about before. I didn't find looking at the site today very exciting, but I can see how on other days it might be very much so. I think that if I had my own del.icio.us account I would use it often. I like it as an alternative to both browser bookmarking, since you can use it on other computers, and to a reader like bloglines, which isn't really necessary unless you check a ton of different, difficult to navigate websites a day.
Del.icio.us seems like a very valuable took for research, and I think it would be great for teachers/professors to have an account like that which their students could access and share resources and which could grow more rich in one area or topic that a student's account would not. In the same way it seems like a good tool for graduate students, librarians, historians, and business owners.

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